Thursday, May 1, 2008

Meet the Mayas

"The day started with a brutal attemp of robbery. But due to amazing reflex and PerforMAN no one was hurt and everybody relaxed quit fast. ... "

After a short night, we started quite early, because we wanted to catch the public bus to Uxmal - at 8:30am. On the way to the bus rob with his slow moves falled back after a few seconds, so he was alone, while he was attacked.. but no serious incident occured... so finally we arrived at the bus station, and we got the bus (9:05am). The place Uxmal is a ancient Maya construction in the middle of nowhere.

Together with 2 others we had a guide - a original Maya guy - who told as about the history of the Mayas and the place...

It is a really spectacular place - which is hard to capture by pictures ...

Unfortunally its not allowed to climb up the pyramide, after someone felt down the stairs last year and died ...

In the picture you can see the ballpark of the ball game. 7 vs 7 players played for some days a game mix between handball, soccer and basketball. The goal was to hit a basket without using your hands. In the Atztec world it was not played with a ball, it was played with a human head!
After a fine lunch we took a bus back to Meridia to prepare out trip back top Mexico City. Big Boy arranged a private guide by a nice mexican lady he met during the wedding.


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