Hola, que tal?
We are back on track. After a really silent night in a comfortable hotel room we woke up totally relaxed. You will understand why if you take a look at the picture which shows the view out of our room:

No one around, even no mexicans! It was like the whole area was abandoned.
After our lovely breakfast and three hours of a releaxed break on our beach couches and a walk on the beach we decided to move our exhausted bodies for lunch to the next restaurant.
Well, the prices weren´t similar anymore compared to our snack last night, where we paid for four sandwiches, two cokes and a banana milkshake less then 100 Pesos (6 Euro). But it was delicious. We ate shrimps, crab meat and prawns...and we drank a lot of cervezas and Tequillas......so we spent again a couple of hours there.... ;)
Who do you meet if you sit in a sea restaurant at the end of the world???? Of course germans. We had a short chat and the girls were travelling by car and they have organised everything in advance...nearly the same way as we did ;)) They were interested in, what our plans were for today....well, to be honest.....ahhh, nothing, but for this we have to be concentrated and fit...
Well, they were really suprised.......we weren´t ;))
After the short chat we went back......exactly....to our beach couch to enjoy the rest of the day and the sunset......After this really exhausting day we had to take a shower and relax on our beds......of course....then we started our walk to the city centre to use the opportunity of updating our blog.
Tonight there was a big party in the city centre for all the kids of the town.....well it was already late 8pm but you know, the mexicans are really relaxed in terms of organising and life at all.......as we are ;)))
So, we will have now a little snack for dinner and then we will repeat the activity we described already in our blog for yesterday.....but for oue english speaking audience we will repeat that: We will buy some cervezas and alcopops, we will move back to our beach and our beach couches and we will let the day die away..........
See you soon.....
ps:the first two birthdays were celebrated without us, so all the best for Annika and Conny to your 25th birthday ;-)
pps: some other facts:
- the average income is 7 $ per day
- over 70 % of the wildlife and plants of the world exists in Mexico
- 1 out of 4 Mexicans live in Mexico City (approx. 23 mio)
- after 7 years of occupation the land is the property of the person who lives there for 7 years
- Some special Tequilas contains worms, for the mexican consumer a delicacy
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